isabelle Scott

Ducky Session

isabelle Scott
Ducky Session

Hello Everyone,

I love trying new things so this past easter I decided to do baby duck and chick mini sessions. Going into this I wasn’t sure how all the kids were going to act around them. I have a two year old at home and watched to see how she was with them, it turned out she actually understood the word gentle, hahaha. The day finally came to have the mini sessions and it went very well. Surprisingly almost all the children were gentle, the others just didn’t want anything to do with them. These images ended up GREAT! I was so excited to start working on them and get them back to the clients right away.

This day went so well and hopefully I get to do the same next year.

Emily Easter Session Final 001! .jpg

Hope you enjoy the images.

LIANNE Easter Session 03 Final.jpg
